How to Use Technology to Safeguard Critical Data
Cybercriminals are attacking your data regularly. This is a fact, but hackers aren’t the only threat to your businesses’ critical IT infrastructure. Inside attacks are just as prevalent. Former employees, contractors and competitors can also breach your IT defenses to steal your trade secrets or client data. To stay ahead of the criminals, you need to use technology and data security best practices to keep your business and data safe.
What Is Data Security?
The practice of using different technologies to protect your IT systems, networks and data from hackers is known as data security. Technologies like single sign-on portals, multi-factor authentication and fingerprint or facial recognition scanners help identify system users and confirm they are who they say they are. Cyberattacks often happen when hackers steal employee’s or user identities and passwords to bypass security tools. Phishing emails attempt to fool users into clicking on phony hyperlinks. When the victims click, the malware installs code to steal information or personal identification. This practice is especially harmful to hospitals and other healthcare-related organizations. Personal Health Information (PHI) is protected by law through a law known as HIPAA — the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act. Hospitals can face stiff fines if patient’s health records are stolen. Data security methods for hospitals must be extra diligent and strictly enforced.
Data Security Myths
Data security myths often lead business owners to create ineffective data strategies. One myth is the belief that all cyberattacks are external. In reality, 80% of data losses are caused by inside users. Many people believe firewalls keep your data safe, but most cyberattacks occur on systems already protected by firewalls. The popularity of cloud-based data storage and backup services now makes firewalls obsolete.
Data Protection Strategies
IT leaders must consider and design data protection strategies to defend against multiple threats. They can use a combination of hardware, software, data monitoring services and employee education to create effective data security processes. System monitoring requires a 365/24/7 effort to stop cyberattacks from interrupting business.
Data Security Technologies
There are many data security technologies available to protect your IT systems. Authentication and encryption technologies ensure your users are identified and have the authority to access data. Defining user roles and what data employees can access is an essential step in preventing insider data theft. Encryption technologies ensure your email, texting and messaging communications are secure and hardened against theft and eavesdropping. Protecting laptops, smartphones and tablet computers from data security threats is essential for companies with remote workforces. Enforcing strict password security procedures and educating employees about the dangers of phishing email threats are all part of the overall data security strategies.
Data Protection Partner
Defining and rolling out an effective data protection plan requires expertise and knowledge about the latest threats and technologies. Threats change constantly, and IT security requirements vary with them. Data security professionals are in high demand and expensive to hire. That’s why partnering with an outsourced data security firm like CTI can help you keep your IT infrastructure safe at an affordable price. CTI Technology will work with you to define and implement an effective data security plan. Visit our website or call (847) 888-1900 to schedule a free data security risk assessment.
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